Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Food semi-log 10/28

Yesterday was the FP fourth birthday. She's amazing and precious, and I'm so glad to have her. But yesterday was stressful. She woke up wanting a Sleeping Beauty birthday cake, and I hadn't planned to make her one until small group on Thursday. The Look Alike spilled water into my computer's power strip. I dropped a VHS on my toe and it's bruised and swollen to high heaven. Enter mayhem and foolishness, and the day got away from me. So sorry to slack yet AGAIN, but here's a list of stuff I ate:

cereal and milk (Kashi honey flax and almond) (300)
banana (100)
pasta and sauce (210)
greek yogurt (170)
dried apricots (150)
cake batter and icing (150)
bread (150)
pizza at Chuck E Cheese (700)
store-bought birthday cake (enter my shame) 200


Fruits and Veg:
IIIII (oh now that's just ridiculous)

Exercise: Pilates mat (I was the demonstrator while Pam taught, very cool) (200)

Total Calories: 2030, not nearly as bad as I thought.

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