Sunday, October 5, 2008

Green Smoothie with Kefir

In light of the destruction of my immune system due to the dreaded antibiotics last week, I'm looking for ways to support my intestinal flora (nice, eh?). Today it was sooo tasty both, so I thought I'd share:

1 cup organic kefir (I used whole milk plain the first time, and pomegranate and acai the second time, which is much more tart)
1 c. water
1 banana
1 c. blueberries
8 strawberries
1 orange, with zest grated into smoothie

It was so tasty that I made a second one tonight. Much higher in calories than my usual, but I really feel like I need the ten bacteria in there (my yogurt only has two to three). Seriously, tasty. I plan on starting to make my own kefir if I can find some grains!

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