Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Homemade Kefir

I've made homemade yogurt off and on for years, but I've just recently gotten into kefir. Whereas yogurt is a bit of a pain because you have to babysit it, kefir is ridiculously easy. It's almost stupidly easy to make. Here's the process:

1. Scald a quart of milk.
2. Let cool to 110 degrees or so
3. Mix starter (purchased at a health food store, or 1/2 c. purchased kefir) into milk
4. Shake, then pour everything into a clean jar or jars
5. Let stand for 24-36 hours until it thickens and smells slightly sour

That's it. Seriously. And since it has more good stuff for your gut than yogurt, I think this will be our new dairy of choice. Yay!!

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